
Content is fire, social media is gasoline.

Influencers are a great way to market your products and linking up with foreign influencers can help you enter new markets quickly. We work alongside expert researchers who are knowledgable, experienced and most of all, dedicated to finding the established and up-and-coming freelancers, bloggers, editors and more within their native countries.
Få succes med influencer marketing som offentlig instans

Få succes med influencer marketing som offentlig instans

Influencer marketing er en branche i vækst, og mange virksomheder bruger det i kommercielle sammenhænge til at kommunikere ud til en specifik målgruppe med et bestemt budskab. Men vidste du, at offentlige instanser også kan have gavn af det f.eks. i form af en...

The power of mom influencers

The power of mom influencers

Impactful, persuasive, and the ultimate go-to for advice of any kind. Let's talk about mom influencers and how they have conquered the social media world. Mom influencers have really made a mark in the social media landscape. Their content is based on experiences and...

How to get the best out of each dish with Gastronomy Influencers

How to get the best out of each dish with Gastronomy Influencers

With the festivities being right around the corner, we have found ourselves browsing through social media and the internet to find the perfect cake or roasted meat recipes, while coming across delightful recipes we also envy, and are inspired by the aesthetically...

Up & Coming Influencers: community curators & social shifters

Up & Coming Influencers: community curators & social shifters

Up and coming influencers, otherwise known as micro-influencers, are without a doubt one of the most exciting demographics on social media in the eyes of any lifestyle brand. Micro-influencers are usually defined by having a humble number of followers whilst having a...

Beauty advocates in an age of change

Beauty advocates in an age of change

In every market, there are a select few beauty influencers whose reach and authority are more crucial for your brand’s success than others. Our international research team curates lists of relevant lifestyle media contacts and saw an increased need for a list that...

Home Interior Advocates: home is where the heart is

Home Interior Advocates: home is where the heart is

In every local home interior market, there are a select few whose attention and reach are more crucial for your brand's success than others. Our research team curates relevant press lists each week and saw an increased need for a list that selectively showcased these...

The Power of Podcasting

The Power of Podcasting

Podcasts are not a new format in 2020. Nevertheless, it is a marketing element with many, and still untapped, possibilities. VOCAST has created a Podcast list for Fashion and Home/Interior, for each market to help our brands navigate in the podcasting sphere.   ...

Fashion Advocates in the Age of Change

Fashion Advocates in the Age of Change

In every local fashion market there are a select few who’s attention and reach is more crucial for your brands success than others. Our research team curates relevant press lists each week and saw an increased need for a list that selectively showcased these specific...

Rise of the Plantfluencer: Bringing the Great Outdoors Home

Rise of the Plantfluencer: Bringing the Great Outdoors Home

The urban jungle trend has been around for some years now, but the confinement due to the recent pandemic has brought people closer to their leafy friends than ever. To help interior and lifestyle brands find their green fingers: A brief introduction to the...

Beauty and Fashion: A powerful alliance

Beauty and Fashion: A powerful alliance

Over the past few years, the beauty industry has been experiencing a significant change as the launches of more and more brands are setting the industry by storm. With an estimated value of $532 billion, (1) the beauty industry is expected to continue on this rising...


Get in touch and join the creative tribe already using VOCAST.

With the Brand Sharing Platform you can get a better feel of how your marketing campaigns are performing, which influencers are more relevant to your brand and how they are engaging with your content.