
The power of mom influencers

Influencers, Marketing, Research

Impactful, persuasive, and the ultimate go-to for advice of any kind. Let’s talk about mom influencers and how they have conquered the social media world.

Mom influencers have really made a mark in the social media landscape. Their content is based on experiences and the reality of every day. The eschewing of motherly niceness and difficulties in family life shaped an intimate conversation and space to be truly vulnerable. Consequently, their believability and trustworthiness created loyal communities that stay intact. But what makes them so popular amongst aspiring mothers and women in general, and how did they adjust to the way social media works today? 

Being a mother requires having the answer… to everything!

Starting on amateur blogs back in circa 2005, the first moms entered the blogosphere longing for communities that would understand them and their struggles as mothers and women. What emerged was a task force of dedicated individuals, helping and inspiring each other as they become women who deal with the hurdles of motherhood.

​The life of a mother can only be defined by those with children. This role requires strength, discipline, and knowledge of what to do, at the perfect time, always. The pressure on mothers worldwide is high, as they have to have the answer to everything from nutrition, self-care after pregnancy, baby care, and kindergarten choices to knowing all kinds of allergens and chemical-free textile options. It becomes a job to keep up with knowing what is ultimately right.

Here is where experienced mommy influencers come into play!

« Their know-how is like a guiding light for many aspiring “power moms” »

They take the role of a good friend who gives you tips, lets you know what to look out for, and which directions to take and their audience has the utmost appreciation for it. The fact that someone has already tested and found a solution for a certain problem awakes trust and confidence within their followers. This insight is what makes mom influencers so attractive and the first station for many new and young mothers to look for tips, tricks, and product recommendations.


The rise of content specialists and brand favorites

Looking at the statistics, being a mom influencer is a popular occupation with over 4.2 million people pursuing their own careers as such. Over the past decade, these stay-at-home moms have transformed into a content marketing army. Traditionally, mom bloggers were a separate entity from consumer brands, however, in recent times, moms have mentioned brands on average around 73 per week. This makes enterprises from many different sectors recognize the value of mom influencers and the huge online network they could offer to potential clients.

What makes mom influencers so special is their authenticity factor. They are straight shooters, with around 60% of moms only talking about brands they really love. Furthermore, since most of their mentioned products are organically arising within their content, audiences believe their purpose and benefit to a higher extent than they usually would. Content has changed fundamentally from experience-based content to aspirational content.

« There has been a shift in strategy, making content more popular by incorporating products that promise to ease a certain problem or direct struggle. »

Studies have shown that influencer marketing skyrockets when personalities add babies to the mix. Baby-centric Instagram accounts are not just adorable but also translate to a wide audience of individuals who are in need or searching for the perfect thing for their child or themselves for a certain benefit.


What is their secret to success?

Over 83% of new moms are millennials. These new moms spend over eight hours a day online. Therefore they are regarded as key advisors or “decision-influencers” in their respective communities. Additionally, mom influencers have a unique demographic. They do not just cater to moms alone, in fact, these types of influencers set trends.

For this reason, many companies love to spend money on sponsored posts for mommy bloggers, as they can advertise almost everything from baby to kids products, to personal wellness, beauty, clothing, home furnishings, and even travel destinations, nothing is off-limits. Through endorsements and brand ambassadorships, mom influencers are able to leverage their audience and increase visibility long-term for products and services. This way, brands, and partners really know that their money is well spent.


How can working with mom influencer benefit your brand?

Moms make the majority of all household purchasing decisions, which makes them a vessel for generating turnover. In the United States, women account for over 85 % of all consumer purchasing decisions and overall spending power of over 2,8 trillion US Dollars. This development shows how much consumer power women hold – worldwide, this amount increases to 31,5 million US Dollars in purchasing power. Women do seem to rule the world after all.

The public tends to trust real people instead of brand executives. Moms lead incredibly busy lives and therefore look for somebody they can relate to and trust. They, in comparison to their mom influencer counterparts, do not have the time to research everything in-depth.

«  92% of all women pass along information about deals or online recommendations to others, so if you have a mom influencers’ audience in your grip you’ve struck gold. »

Mom influencers are incredibly decisive and do not stop looking for the perfect product, having control over their decision-making is extremely important. Because of this, a large number of brands pitch to mom influencers, making it their goal to convince them that they have the product they cannot live without. When working with a mom influencer, you have the certainty that you have a representative from your key demographic, making your message go full circle.


Mom influencers across markets

Looking generally at the popularity, content, engagement, and cultural context of mom influencers in different markets, one can see that there are huge similarities in the way they are perceived. Scroll below to learn about how mom influencers differ between markets and take a look at some of the key mom influencers you can find in VOCAST’s curated lists.

Denmark 🇩🇰

Mom influencers are very popular in Denmark. However, there are few who started as mom bloggers from the beginning – more are already established influencers who became a mother in the process of their careers. Danes value transparency and are curious to get a sneak peek into the “family life” of others they follow for example pregnancy posts, buying a new home, and kids starting school. 

Sweden 🇸🇪

Since motherhood and caring for children is less of an identity women in Sweden take on and not something that is very prestigious, influencers, as well as professionals who share content centered around family life mostly inspire, support, and share their experiences with each other, almost like one, would do in a forum. Because of this, their engagement rates are often high.

Norway 🇳🇴

In Norway, mom bloggers are highly established within the influencer sphere. Several mom bloggers have large followings and regularly make appearances in Norwegian mainstream media. These influencers have an engaged community in which their followers frequently comment on their posts.

Germany 🇩🇪

The majority of German mom influencers are those who have been in the social media business already, and now include their children in their content. Germans in particular worry about their privacy, therefore the mom influencer scene is still developing. Still, many mothers and those who are soon to be are looking toward opinion leaders that offer guidance and tips

France 🇫🇷

Mom influencers are becoming really popular in France, and a very tight community. Being a mom influencer is not only about partnering with brands, it is also about breaking taboos and challenges about parenthood, that any parent could relate to They do not necessarily need to have many followers. In fact, french mom bloggers often have fewer followers but much more engagement when posting stories and pictures.

Italy 🇮🇹

Generally, life with kids is a really popular segment in Italy. Many are interested and follow trends, created by mom influencers. They also appear to have more engagement and a tighter community, making them able to incorporate lots of sponsored content. Everything from products for newborns, to home interior and fashion, followers seem to be curious about moms’ lives. 


The mummy-influencer scene in the UK is vast. It is largely made up of millennial influencers who have all become parents when they already had a large social media presence and are the same ages as many of their followers, who are also having babies at the same time. The loyalty their followers have to them is therefore very strong. These influencers are particularly popular because they share a specific message of self-care. 


Mom influencers are very popular in The US and often have hundreds of thousands of followers. This is largely due to the fact that being a mother and overall family life is highly valued. Many women in the United States dedicate their lives to their families and taking on the role of a stay-at-home mom is nothing uncommon or frowned upon. Since family life is so important in American culture, it becomes natural for many to want to share it. 

The Netherlands 🇳🇱

The amount of mommy influencers in The Netherlands is high. Especially in the last two years, many influencers became moms and are now sharing this with their followers. The Dutch mommy influencers have a tight community, taking their amount of followers and likes per post into account. Generally, the fewer followers they have, the higher the engagement. This chart offers an overview of this development. 

Belgium 🇧🇪

When we look at the Belgium market, we notice that the mom influencers are mostly people who were already known, like from tv or other media. When these influencers became moms, they also started sharing a lot of their life as a parent with their followers. The average engagement of mum influencers in Belgium is between 3.10% to 3.69%. 



Kevin is the DACH Market Coordinator at VOCAST. He grew up in Berlin, studying fashion journalism and communication and has previously worked within fashion PR. Currently he is studying toward a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and has a strong interest in sustainability, writing and modern design practices. 






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